Accelerating EUV optics-lifetime tests | | Rijksdienst

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Accelerating EUV optics-lifetime tests

EUV lithography equipment makes it possible to fabricate cheaper and more powerful computer chips. In turn, these chips enable innovations in the fields of healthcare, consumer electronics and energy. Sufficient lifetime of EUV lithography equipment and the optics within is essential. TNO, Carl Zeiss and ASML have worked closely together for more than 18 years to identify the key lifetime risks and to develop solutions to mitigate those risks. Additionally, TNO has developed infrastructure to test EUV optics under realistic conditions in the EUV Beam Line (EBL2) facility. There is an urgent need for accelerated lifetime testing in the EUV-lithography industry to support the advance of new machines. There is currently no consensus how to accelerate the EUV-lifetime tests as efficiently and reliably as possible. Goal of this project is to develop knowledge and technology to perform accelerated lifetime-tests of EUV optics. Key parameters for optics lifetime include the EUV intensity and spectrum, the local vacuum and plasma environment and the surface temperature. Deep understanding of these key parameters is essential to accelerate tests by 10-100x and to draw strong conclusions. | In dit project kan het bedrag onder Rijksbijdrage ook deels afkomstig zijn van andere subsidieverstrekkers. Hierbij valt te denken aan Europese subsidies zoals EFRO.

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