Additive Manufacturing-based Production of Embedded Robust Electronics | | Rijksdienst

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Additive Manufacturing-based Production of Embedded Robust Electronics

The AMPERE project (Additive Manufacturing based Production of Embedded Robust Electronics) will develop scalable digital 4D manufacturing – a combination of 3D structural printing and the fourth dimension (addition of electrical & optical functionalities) that enables flexible, reliable production of smart systems. The new hybrid manufacturing will exploit multi-material Additive Manufacturing as a core production technology, combined with assembly and integration of electronic and optical functionality, with closed loop control utilising Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence as integral part of the complete production chain. The focus of the developments is set on the requirements of three end markets in Lighting, Signal and Power Electronics, and Medical Devices. To reach this goal and to significantly exceed the State of the Art of previous projects like e.g. Hyb-Man (PENTA 16013), four specific objectives have been set: 1. Develop and integrate Essential Technology for scalable hybrid 4D manufacturing that is both flexible and cost effective from small series mass customisation to higher production volumes whilst meeting the real needs of industry 2. through digital Smart Processes of 4D products (integrated mechanical, electrical and optical functionalities). 3. Develop scalable and reliable industrial production systems in combination with the essential technology and smart processes. 4. Demonstrate the hybrid 4D manufacturing approach in three innovative product cases covering different applications and sectors (LED luminaires & signal and power electronics & medical devices). Flexible production with new material combinations is achieved by leveraging digital manufacturing with an absence of product specific tooling, no large stock of end product, with local production and form freedom in production, and thereby lead to substantial business benefits: • Faster response to changes in the market, with localized production and reduced component and tooling lead times. • Increased product diversity by adopting flexible manufacturing technologies. • Cost effective scalable manufacturing from customer centric (semi-bespoke) parts through high volumes that include features such as optical functionality, current carrying capability and miniaturised devices. • New product designs offering improved functionality and new form factors not previously possible. In addition, it is anticipated that this novel approach to manufacturing will allow resource and energy efficient environmentally friendly production with simplified process chains, less waste (materials and scrapped end-products) and easier/more complete end of life recycling. The project addresses the following challenges in process technologies: intelligent digitally driven production systems, that are scalable, flexible and reliable that produce unique multi-material smart products (Smart Industry/Industry 4.0). AMPERE will impact the European electronics manufacturing industry by delivering competences in the individual technologies, integrating them into one end-to-end hybrid 4D manufacturing process and developing knowledge rules for product design and manufacturing. It will allow Europe to put value back into manufacturing by more closely integrating it with the design cycle and thus creating a world leading capability that is sustainable.

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