Advanced 4D Flow MRI for Hemodynamic Characterization of Congenital Heart Disease | | Rijksdienst

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Advanced 4D Flow MRI for Hemodynamic Characterization of Congenital Heart Disease

Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of congenital heart diseases (CHD) benefit from quantitative knowledge of abnormal blood flow patterns in the heart. 4D Flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can measure time-resolved three-dimensional blood flow direction and velocity in the whole heart. However, current protocols provide insufficient spatial and temporal resolution to derive hemodynamic parameters. We will develop novel MRI methods that provide high spatial and temporal resolution in a clinically feasible scan time based on the latest imaging techniques. Additionally, we will develop software for quantitative analysis of advanced hemodynamic parameters. During the project our commercial partner Pie Medical Imaging will develop prototypes of novel analysis tools . MRI methods and protocols will be actively disseminated among experts in the fields during scientific conferences and a congress organized by the research group.

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