Advancement of acoustic array technologies for aeronautical wind tunnel testing | | Rijksdienst

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Advancement of acoustic array technologies for aeronautical wind tunnel testing

The research and development of modular noise and autofocus algorithms to support acoustic wind tunnel testing. To support this development a highly detailed (representing acoustic noise sources) wind tunnel model will be designed and manufactured. The wind tunnel model will be an Embraer 175E2 configuration. Embraer will provides wind tunnel test data and full scale test data to validate the algorithms. The noise measurements for this test will be carried out in a closed-test section configuration. In this case array measurements are required to obtain reliable results and therefore the noise is only measured at t wo directivity angles. Modular noise algorithms will be developed based on public noise models. These algorithms aim to reconstruct the aircraft noise directivity by ad-hoc calibration of the noise source models based on the array measurement. Noise levels can now be expressed the EPNL, a measure based on which aircraft manufacturers can quickly assess the acoustic performance. An improvement to current beamforming software will be researched and developed. An algorithm inspired on autofocus techniques in photography is envisaged, that allows automated assessment if a noise source lies within a defined scan grid and adjustment to the right position. This will greatly enhance the depth of focus of the array, and furthermore open up the possibility to obtain source maps for a 3D volume instead of a 2D plane. Furthermore, the quality of the source maps is improved since spurious noise source due to out-of-plane source can be filtered out

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