Advancement of an integral soil management approach for the Toronto Waterfront | | Rijksdienst

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Advancement of an integral soil management approach for the Toronto Waterfront

Project purpose

The government of Ontario is convinced of the benefits that the Dutch integral approach, concerning waste, water and soil in relation to spatial planning, is best suited for their plans.


Project results

  • An overview of the main challenges for the soil in the redevelopment of the Toronto Waterfront;
  • the experts of the proposed Canadian beneficiaries are informed on:
  • existing policy and regulation within the Netherlands related to responsible development of soil recycling facilities (= soil banking in combination with treatment facility);
  • judicial and financial analyses of a soil recycling facility;
  • best practices in use in the Netherlands on soil bank management, inspection and permit requirements;
  • the added value of this new development from an environmental, financial, employment point of view.
  • a published, concise session report.









Integrated soil management



€ 72,000


Status project


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