Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: Access to Vegetables | | Rijksdienst

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Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: Access to Vegetables

Project number



  • Tanzania


  • Arusha


  • Agriculture
  • Consumer goods and retail

Subproject budget

€ 3,153,000 (FDOV contribution = € 1,565,451)


  • Rijkzwaan
  • Hivos
  • Rabo Foundation
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Africa Bio Media
  • Faida TZ

Project description

The project aims to introduce modern vegetable production of selected high nutrition-rich vegetables and develop value chains to provide vegetables in fresh and dried form to BoP consumers. The project targets 8,000 farmers and 100 cooperatives and agents in two countries (Kenya / Tanzania). It contains a diverse set of four outputs touching upon all angles of the value chain (both pull and push factors) with special focus on BoP consumers.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

This project is one of 8 workstreams implemented under the AIM consortium: return to the FDOV12KE02 workstream

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