Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: Micronutrient Powders | | Rijksdienst

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Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: Micronutrient Powders

Project number



  • Kenya


  • Nairobi area


  • Agriculture
  • Consumer goods and retail

Subproject budget

€ 1,549,300 (FDOV contribution = € 769,221)


  • DSM
  • Phillips Healthcare Services-Kenya
  • Ministry of People Health Services Kenya
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

Project description

The project aims to develop a local packaging facility for micronutrient powders (MNP) for the affordably introduction of both an institutional and a commercial pre-mix MNP supply chain to BoP mothers and children in Kenya. The project also includes consumer studies and marketing push and pull to reach the targeted customers base for purchase of MNPs sachets.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

This project is one of 8 workstreams implemented under the AIM consortium: return to the FDOV12KE02 workstream

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