Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: Quality Improvement Network (QIN) | | Rijksdienst

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Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: Quality Improvement Network (QIN)

Project number



  • Ethopia


  • Addis Ababa


  • Agriculture
  • Consumer goods and retail

Subproject budget

€ 2,186,106 (FDOV contribution = € 1,085,392)


  • Hilina/Bless Agro-food
  • Intertek
  • DSM
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Akzonobel

Project description

The project focuses on improving quality testing of (fortified) food products in the value chain, aiming to guarantee regional and global buyers and ultimately providing (BoP) consumers access to safe and healthy food. The project includes the introduction of field testing services, food testing laboratory services (for micronutrients), building a unit for QA/QC advice and certification and policy/advocacy.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

This project is one of 8 workstreams implemented under the AIM consortium: return to the FDOV12KE02 workstream

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