Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: SPAR Rural Retail Community Centres | | Rijksdienst

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Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition: SPAR Rural Retail Community Centres

Project number



  • South Africa


  • Limpopo


  • Agriculture
  • Consumer goods and retail

Subproject budget

€ 4,356,600 (FDOV contribution = € 2,163,034)


  • SPAR South Africa
  • SPAR International BV
  • WUR
  • Rijkzwaan
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

Project description

SPAR SA will establish three Rural Retail Community Centres (RRCC), each in a different SA province. Central in this product is the establishment of local product sourcing of six to nine fresh vegetables through agriculture service centres, thus offering customers affordable fresh produce. The project will be implemented with input from service providers providing seeds and other agricultural inputs and training to farmers, and will expand through the establishment of Fresh Assambly Points to support the onward supply of local produce to other SPAR supermarkets in South Africa.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

This project is one of 8 workstreams implemented under the AIM consortium: return to the FDOV12KE02 workstream

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