Architecture for residual risk for the electric, connected and automated car | | Rijksdienst

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Architecture for residual risk for the electric, connected and automated car

An in-vehicle monitoring device will be able to measure the health status, diagnose faults and detect anomalies in electric, connected and automated vehicles. Bringing together stakeholders from the electronic components and systems (ECS) industry, standardisation and certification bodies as well as test field operators, insurance companies and researchers, the EU-funded ArchitectECA2030 project will design a validation framework that includes harmonised methods and tools for the quantification of residual risks. The goal of the project is to establish robust mission-validated traceable design of ECS, the quantification of an accepted residual risk of ECS for electric vehicles and increased end-user acceptance. The project will ultimately boost the European competitive advantage for zero emissions and eliminate crashes and congestion. Independent validation is fundamental to emphasise the capability and safety of any solution in the electric, connected and automated (ECA) vehicles space. It is vital that appropriate and audited testing takes place in a controlled environment before any deployment takes place. As the software and hardware components come from multiple vendors and integrate in numerous ways, the various levels of validation required must be fully understood and integration with primary and secondary parts must be considered. The key targets of ArchitectECA2030 are the robust mission-validated traceable design of electronic components and systems (ECS), the quantification of an accepted residual risk of ECS for ECA vehicles to enable type approval, and an increased end-user acceptance due to more reliable and robust ECS. The proposed methods include automatic built-in safety measures in the electronic circuit design, accelerated testing, residual risk quantification, virtual validation, and multi-physical and stochastic simulations. The project will implement a unique in-vehicle monitoring device able to measure the health status and degradation of the functional electronics empowering model-based safety prediction, fault diagnosis, and anomaly detection. A validation framework comprised of harmonized methods and tools able to handle quantification of residual risks using data different sources (e.g. monitoring devices, sensor/actuators, fleet observations) is provided to ultimately design safe, secure, and reliable ECA vehicles with a well-defined, quantified, and acceptable residual risk across all ECS levels. The project brings together stakeholders from ECS industry, standardization and certification bodies (e.g. ISO, NIST, TUEV), test field operators, insurance companies, and academia closely interacting with ECSEL lighthouse initiative Mobility.E to align and influence emerging standards and validation procedures for ECA vehicles.

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