Autonomous Logistics Miners for Small-Medium Businesses | | Rijksdienst

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Autonomous Logistics Miners for Small-Medium Businesses

the project aims to increase the competitive power of the Dutch logistics sector, by providing small-medium size businesses with intelligent data mining agents, that can perform the most common data mining functions, and require minimal supervision and domain knowledge from the human employee. Thus, we help businesses that are overwhelmed with data, and have limited resources to analyze it, by providing them with the ability to get the insight on overall performance factors, such as trends in supply/demand, estimating potential disruptions, and identifying the critical factors that cause shipment delays. Finally, we intend to create a symbiotic interaction between humans and intelligent agents, allowing humans to identify conditions of special interest to them, and enable the intelligent agents to do the routine work and continuously monitor data streams and raise awareness to the human operator, if such event is detected or likely to occur.

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