Better agricultural conditions by improving land management | | Rijksdienst

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Better agricultural conditions by improving land management

Project purpose

Elaboration of methodologies that indicate how to advance the agricultural situation in Romania by improvement of the land administration situation, land consolidation and better land use, as well as reduction of fragmentation and at the same time enlargement of the farms.


Project results

The overall goal is:

1) Increased agricultural production by long term investments in agricultural land, both in the quality and use of land

2) Increased investments and financing possibilities in agricultural land.


The results of the project:

1) Land administration is modernized:

  • legal and geometric data are integrated;
  • digital system is developed and improved;

2) Land fragmentation is reduced and farms are enlarged by using land consolidation techniques in

    the pilot area(s);

3) Improved cooperation between all stakeholders within the agro-chain (focus at improvement

    financing possibilities for agricultural activities -agricultural land and subsidies as collateral);

4) Concrete recommendations for a land bank are formulated and shared with all key stakeholders

    in the agro-sector;

5) Best practice working methods and organisation are documented and presented to all key

    stakeholders in the agro-sector in Romania during the final seminar;

6) An action plan to roll-out the pilot project for land consolidation in Romania is developed and

    shared with all key stakeholders in the agro-sector.









National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration



€ 250,000


Status project



Project activities

Inception phase:

Working visit by Dutch experts + deskwork:

  • Establishing a team of main Romanian and Dutch experts;
  • Analysing available information;
  • Analysing current situation;
  • Analysing desired situation;
  • Analysing options for land consolidation and better land use (voluntary, guided, legal/compulsory, land bank and possibly other options);
  • Deciding upon the number of pilots (1 or two)
  • Making an inception report (detailed description of the activity plan);


  1. Exploration phase:

Working visit to the pilot area(s) + deskwork:

  • Analysing agricultural problems and land administration problems in the pilot area(s);
  • Analysing parties involved, their interests, relations between stakeholders in the pilot area(s);
  • Discussing possible methodologies to improve the situation;
  • Describing possible methodologies;
  • Selecting best possible methodologies to solve agricultural problems in the pilot area(s);
  • Creating a global plan for each pilot and the parties to be involved.


  1. Preparation of the pilot:
  • Discussing pilot plans and ideas with relevant parties in the pilot areas;
  • Getting support for the pilot with the most important parties to be involved (larger land owners and users), mayors, county-agronomists;
  • Establishing a working group for each pilot;
  • Making a concrete plan for each pilot;
  • Defining the start and conditions of the pilot;
  • Analysing problems related to pilot administration and landownership, land rent, land use and subsidy (administrative and geometrical information);
  • Visiting head offices of (regional) banks to find out under what conditions land and/or subsidies could be used as collateral.


  1. Execution of the pilot:

Starting working groups within the pilot area(s).

Referring to the agricultural situation:

  • Gathering information about characteristics of the farms (size, number of parcels, use of the land, willingness for investments etc)
  • Investigating who is really working the land, and how the plots are represented on the tarla;
  • Executing activities that lead to land consolidation such as e.g. public meetings with land owners, land users and agronomists of an comuna or preparing and organizing a public view of the current situation.


  1. Elaboration of the pilot:

Developing the desired situation:

  • Analysing possibilities for the future situation;
  • Communicating with the right holders;
  • Inventorying wishes of each farmer;
  • Discussing options and developing a plan and strategy of reallocation;
  • Organizing private and public parties involved and/or inviting a public inspection all or the main right holders;
  • Developing best possible option(s) to organize process of land consolidation including handling of objections;
  • Executing the plan that was developed with all stakeholders;
  • Making a plan of reallocation;
  • Making new titles and inscription of the new Property Titles in the Land Book.


  1. Evaluation of the pilot:
  • Organizing a seminar for all stakeholders in the agro-sector to present and to discuss methodology regarding land administration, land consolidation and land use;
  • Discussing possibilities for an integral application to roll out the pilot in Romania;
  • Setting up a match-making event for Dutch agricultural businesses.


  1. Final report
  • Evaluating the conclusion of the pilot and project with the beneficiary;
  • Evaluating the sustainability of the project and possible future projects with the beneficiary;
  • Writing the final report.


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