BioBased Energy in Ukraine | | Rijksdienst

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BioBased Energy in Ukraine

Project purpose

The Ukrainian government is capable of setting up an effective and efficient policy for bio-energy, bio-based economy and waste-to-energy. Within this G2G project, the knowledge level and professionality of the concerned Ministries and the Ukrainian executive for energy efficiency will be lifted to a higher level.

Project results
At least 10 Ukrainian governmental decisive took knowledge of the Dutch products and services in the field of bio-based economy, bio-energy and waste-to- energy and are trained in bioenergy.

The knowledge level in the field of bio energy of NAER/SAEE will be increased. They will be trained in the field of finance and evaluation. NAER/SAEE will be able to play an pro-active, advisory role towards central and de-central municipalities.

Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (

€ 100,000

Project status

Project activities
Inception missions:

2 workshops/inception missions  will be organised with the PIB Consortium in 2015. Parallel to these missions,  the need of the Ukrainian government will be determined. 
This concerns a  workshop during the Ukrainian  biomass  congress in September.
Additionally the situation regarding the implementation in the targeted regions will be determined together with several companies in Dnipropetrovs’k. A meeting will be held with various municipalities in this regio.

Adjacent to the workshops, discussions with the national and regional directors will follow about support needs by NAER/SAEE and a program will be formulated.

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