Building capacity for a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sector | | Rijksdienst

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Building capacity for a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sector


Project purpose
This K2K project aims to convince the Myanmar public and private fisheries and aquaculture stakeholders that the Dutch knowledge institutes, NGOs and private sector can support Myanmar to upgrade its infrastructure for training and education.

This project is part of a future broader program on fisheries and aquaculture development in Myanmar. Eventually this K2K project and the broader program will not only contribute to a more flourishing aquaculture and fisheries sector but also result in an improved business climate for Dutch aquaculture and fisheries businesses.

Project results
In general we expect participants of the workshop to have improved significantly their sector and practical knowledge and capabilities to interact more efficiently with Dutch private sector and knowledge institutes. Netherlands should be seen as a preferred partner in developing aquaculture in Myanmar.

Specific results to be achieved:

  • A combined Dutch public-private analysis and reporting of Myanmar’s aquaculture and fisheries knowledge infrastructure including the identification of blind spots.
  • This report will identify future needs and recommend improvements in terms of capacity building through e.g. exchange of students and professionals..
  • This will result in TOR for a possible future program aiming at building capacity in Myanmar for a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sector through Dutch knowledge infrastructure (public and private).
  • Relevant stakeholders in Myanmar have gained basic practical knowledge that helps making an impact for a sustainable aquaculture and fisheries sector

Yangon, Myanmar



€ 52.209

Project status

Project activities
Knowledge transfer will take place through a series of workshops showcasing Dutch expertise which can be tailored to local circumstances. The workshops will target both professionals and policy makers in the aquaculture and fisheries sector.  The insights and feedback gained through the visits and the workshops will be used in the report on the current aquaculture and fisheries education and training infrastructure.

The following organization will be part of the executing team:

Wageningen UR will contribute to the team with three senior researchers from LEI, IMARES and AFI; one focusing on aquaculture management, one on fisheries management, and one on fisheries and aquaculture economics. Wageningen will facilitate three of the workshops (Fisheries Management, Fisheries techniques, and Hatchery Management) and is a crucial stakeholder in the inventory of the current infrastructure of fisheries and aquaculture education.

Solidaridad will contribute to this project with its aquaculture program manager. The role of the program manager will be to prepare the entire program in this proposal. Also, Solidaridad will ensure that the analysis and recommendations about the educational infrastructure includes a strategy to train and educate a new generation of aquaculture and fisheries professionals.

Primstar is a Dutch shrimp trading company that is part of Rederij Vrolijk and owns and operates a large trawling fleet in Nigeria. The fleet of Primstar in Nigeria is certified by Friends of the Sea and the business model of Primstar would be a perfect example of sustainability and quality management for the shrimp trawling fleet in Myanmar. Primstar experts will contribute to a dialogue on public private fisheries management and technological innovations for sustainable and profitable trawling.

De Heus is a Dutch animal feed company investing in operations in South East Asia. De Heus is planning to construct a plant in Myanmar and is interested to include fish feed in its portfolio in Myanmar. De Heus expects that if farmers are learned how to use commercial fish feeds, this could result in increased economic and sustainable performance of the fish farms. De Heus will facilitate a workshop on using commercial fish feeds in fresh water fish farms.

Tilaqua is a Dutch company specialized in the production of all male Tilapia. The ambition of TilAqua is to supply the Tilapia industry sustainable, well performing all male Tilapia seed without the use of hormones in the production process.

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