Business Woman training Balkan | | Rijksdienst

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Business Woman training Balkan

Project purpose
Support of the development of female entrepreneurs in Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. The project should provide support to the growth of the participants existing business and support to smaller, upcoming entrepreneurs.

Activities planned for support of the project goals are:

  • Training of the target group in entrepreneurial skills and awareness of their individual talents;
  • Networking and matchmaking for increase of the capacity for international cooperation;
  • Increase the chances for access to capital;
  • Networking with counterparts from the Dutch private sector;
  • Create sustainable framework for prolonged support of the development for the women entrepreneurship
  • Creation of links between mentors (established entrepreneurs)  and mentees (upcoming entrepreneurs)

The project is also aimed at enhancing the cooperation and synergy between the regional representations of The Netherlands (Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo), for the benefit of creation positive impact to the business environment in the host counties.

Project results
The planned results of the project are:

- 15-20 women entrepreneurs from Macedonia/Kosovo/Albania:
  • Have realised an innovation within their business based on their talent and that of their employees. This innovation will be an important milestone in the development of the entrepreneur and forms a basis for future development.
  • Are familiar with the potential of their talent, and that of their employees, and create the tools for their further growth.
  • Have expanded their network of national and international business contacts and have gained access to (inter) national programs to strengthen their entrepreneurship.
  • Have built on their status as a role model for other entrepreneurs through the mentorship program
- 15-20 upcoming women entrepreneurs in Macedonia/Kosovo/Albania who are not directly involved in the project have benefited from the mentorship that they have received from the participants in the project in order to be able to realize an innovation project in their company in the future and are familiar with the potential of their talent.
- A basis for extending this programme in the country and to other countries and regions is established via the stakeholders, connections and participants.
- Dutch businesses are connected to the innovation trajectories of the women entrepreneurs, laying a foundation for future cooperation. (trough mission project MAP 15 MK 02)

Skopje, Macedonia

Co Motion Consult

€ 51,285

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
In order to support the innovation of the entrepreneur, the overall project includes the following components:

  1. Development of knowledge and experience about talent and business innovation.
  2. Tailor made local matchmaking and technical support.
  3. Mentorship programme.
  4. Business mission to the Netherlands.

a) Development of knowledge from the perspective of talent and talent management

The training programme is divided in three modules:

  • Module 1 in the country, 3 days, focusing on business innovation based on talent, and on preparation for the business mission.
  • Module 2 in the Netherlands, +-5 days, during the mission.
  • Module 3 in the country, 3 days, follow up to the mission and the business innovation.

b) Matchmaking and technical support

In order to expand the network of colleagues, clients and support organisations matchmaking is organised during the first module. Based on the individual needs of each participant relevant companies and organisations will be selected to introduce themselves to the participants. The selected companies and organisations should have the potential to assist in the realisation of the innovation of the entrepreneur, such as potential clients, business development organisations, financial institutions, networks, etc. As much as possible links will be made with existing national and international programmes that are available in the country.

c) Mentorship programme

Every participant will mentor a colleague female entrepreneur outside of the training group. This will provide her with the unique opportunity to share and expand her knowledge immediately, develop her network, guarantee the spin-off of the project and lay the foundation for future initiatives for the empowerment of women entrepreneurs. A number of them will develop into role models for others.

d) Business mission to the Netherlands

A business mission to the Netherlands will facilitate new knowledge about new technologies, products and markets, opportunities for collaboration, network expansion and inspiration for further development. It also forms a good opportunity to meet with talent managers in the Netherlands.

The envisioned 2 Dutch trainers are well experienced in setting up and implementing programs for female entrepreneurs. A good combination of knowledge and capacity building in preparation and follow-up, adequate matchmaking, network support in combination with a mission to the Netherlands has proved to be ingredients for success.

The trainers responsible for the training modules will work closely together with the organisation that will organise the mission to The Netherlands, with whom RVO has a framework agreement.

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