CBRC Advanced Training Programme | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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CBRC Advanced Training Programme

Project purpose

The project is to prepare and conduct a stakeholder workshop on measuring performance of environmental enforcement authorities in China, involving representatives of Chinese environmental enforcement authorities at the national, provincial and local levels and hosted by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection. The workshops objectives are:

  • To share with Chinese stakeholders the experience of the Netherlands and other OECD countries (based on the recent relevant OECD work) with the design and use of meaningful compliance and enforcement indicators;
  • To highlight the existing good practices of performance measurement at the national, provincial and local levels in China; and
  • To define the scope and priority outputs of a joint initiative to develop and test a set of quantitative indicators that would help China’s national and local environmental enforcement authorities to more adequately assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their efforts.



Project results

Participants have an up-to-date set of foundations in financial innovation and corporate finance, together with an introduction to the new international supervisory framework (Basel III) and key current regulatory issues that face banking regulators;


Good contacts have been established between the CBRC and Netherlands financial sector.



The Netherlands, Amsterdam



Duisenberg School of Finance



Financial Management



€ 133,324


Project duration



Project activities

One week training in Amsterdam

The CBRC delegation of 20-25 participants will take part in a training at DSF in Amsterdam. The delegation most likely consists of 2 vice chairmen, 3 translators and a group of provincial deputy DGs.


The programme will include a course on Financial Innovation and Corporate Finance, a course on Banking Regulations and Supervision and Industry Seminars about Banking Practice. Moreover lunch presentations will be provided on select policy and enforcement issues organized by The Netherlands Central Bank and the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets.


Description of the courses:


1. Financial Innovation and Corporate Finance


The focus of this course is corporate finance and financial innovation. We will examine the theoretical and empirical developments within an international context. This course will examine the financial arrangements of multinational firms, emphasizing issues relating to financial innovation, real estate bubbles and financial crises, as well as alternative forms of financing. The course will be based on case studies and other assignments that will be worked out in groups.


2. Banking Regulations and Supervision


This course will provide a solid introduction to financial regulatory systems and frameworks globally, with an analytical account of how financial regulatory concerns influence financial market transactions. The course will examine prudential regulatory reforms and trends in the EC and US and the major issues facing regulators and banks since the financial crisis. The lectures will examine the international implementation of the Basel III Regulatory Framework, the interplay between risk management failures and global capital regulation, stress testing exercises, consumer protection legislation, and regulatory enforcement. The course will be include case studies on bank failures, recapitalizations as well risk management and governance failures. Industry experts and supervisors from DNB and AFM will also offer insights on best practice in the Netherlands and cross-country analyses.


3. Banking Practice-Industry Seminars


Leading Dutch financial firms will provide seminars on key industry issues such as: risk management and control; impact of Solvency II, offshore RMB market, centralized clearing and derivatives regulation, Dodd-Frank update and enforcement implications, corporate governance guidelines for banks, directors’ performance and appraisal and pay.



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