Clean and waste-free Bujumbura | | Rijksdienst

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Clean and waste-free Bujumbura


The project is defined as the development, construction, operationalization and maintenance of a professional and environmentally safe waste system and infrastructure in the capital city Bujumbura. The objective of this project is that the waste from all inhabitants of Bujumbura will be collected and recycled, creating a more healthy and sustainable living condition in the capital city.






Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Planning Ministry of Water, Environment, Land Management and Urban Planning (MEEATU)

Competent Authority

Municipality of Bujumbura, the Directorat-General SETEMU (Services Techniques Municipaux)

Parties Involved

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

11,800,000 Euro / 6,419,880 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

In Bujumbura, solid waste is piled in the streets or littered in and around the neighbourhoods. Only a minor part of the produced waste is offered to an existing dumping site, the majority is dumped uncontrolled and illegally. In addition the area of the existing dumping site and surroundings is very close to Lake Tanganyika and pollution from the dump seeps down to the lake. Burundi is therefore one of the biggest polluters of Lake Tanganyika, which is estimated to be the worlds second biggest fresh water lake. If this problem is not addressed and solved, the volume of uncontrolled waste will increase further leading to a further increase of infectious diseases and of the pollution of soil, drinking and ground water and Lake Tanganyika.

This project can be divided into three main subprojects:

  1. 1 In the first phase a clean and safe landfill will be designed and constructed;
  2. 2 In the second phase a waste system and infrastructure for the collecting, separation, transporting and dumping of waste will be designed and implemented;

Also in the second phase a professional waste department (including capacity building) will be set up to execute and to manage this system and the related infrastructure. This management set-up will also include a fee-collecting system that makes the waste system financially sustainable after the ORIO-period.

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