Clean Water Distribution System for Rural Areas at the North and South Mo Cay districts | | Rijksdienst

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Clean Water Distribution System for Rural Areas at the North and South Mo Cay districts


The project aims to supply reliable and clean water from an existing water supply plant to 57,000 persons in 2015 and to 1200 SMEs in six residential zones in the Mo Cay district. 49,000 people and 800 SMEs will be supplied with potable water, while 8,000 persons and 400 SMEs will receive improved supply of water.


North and South Mo Cay Districht - Ben Tre Province




Ministry of Planning and Investment

Competent Authority

Ben Tre Water Supply and Sewerage Single Member Co. Ltd.

Parties Involved

Royal Haskoning DHV

Project number


Total project costs / Total ORIO Grant amount

6,004,710 Euro / 2,145,857 Euro

Status project

Implementation Phase

The Mo Cay district is located in Ben Tre Province, which is in the Mekong delta. The Mo Cay district has a population of 40,000. Currently, only 8,000 residents and 400 SMEs are being supplied with potable water by a small water supply plant. The remaining inhabitants use unsafe or polluted untreated or poorly treated water by collecting rainwater, digging wells or they should buy expensive bottled water. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in the dry months (January-March) both ground and surface water are salinated.

The project is defined as the design, delivery, installation and subsequent use of an expansion of a drinking water distribution network and the renovation of an existing network in the Mo Cay district. The project consists of the following items:
  • Design and construction of a booster pumping station with the capacity of 10,000 m3/day;
  • Distribution network and grid with a total length of about 150 km;
  • 10,000 metered connections;
  • Renovation of existing distribution network and grid;
  • A technical assistance program in management development, O&M and customer relations.

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