Climate change and water supply in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam | | Rijksdienst

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Climate change and water supply in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam




Soc Trang, Mekong Delta


  • Water
  • Water supply
  • Water treatment

Project budget

€ 9,963,060 (FDW contribution = € 4,361,606)


  • Vitens Evidens International
  • People's Committee of Soc Trang Province
  • People's Committee of Tra Vinh Province
  • Saigon Water Corporation SAWACO
  • Soc Trang Water Supply Company Ltd
  • Tra Vinh Supply and Drainage One Member Ltd Company
  • Research Institute for Climate Change, Can Tho University

Project description

In the Mekong Delta climate change leading to a higher sea level increases salinization and groundwater withdrawal by industries and drinking water companies causes land subsidence. Both developments put major stress on fresh water resources in the Mekong Delta. In addition, due to limited management capacity and insufficient maintenance, non-revenue water is high. This situation leads to insecure and non-sustainable water supply for 17 million people in the Delta. The project aims at improving drinking water supply by increasing availability, improving operational efficiency of the companies and reducing climate change effects on the water companies. It will also reduce the water and energy footprint of the water companies and industries. Main components of the project are:
  • Achieving climate change preparedness for water companies and in industry;
  • Achieving water supply financial sustainability through improving operational efficiency (NB non-revenue water reduction to supply 178,000 people);
  • Moving away from ground water use towards surface water as a source of raw water by construction of a new Water Treatment Plant sufficient to supply at least 80,000 people;
  • Improving water supply to the urban poor by extension of the network and create new household connections for 130,000 people including 25,000 poor people;
  • Reduction of the water footprint of industries in the Mekong Delta.

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