Co-operation Programme Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) and National Audit Office Tanzania (NAOT), co-ordinated with the Office of the Auditor General of Norway | | Rijksdienst

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Co-operation Programme Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) and National Audit Office Tanzania (NAOT), co-ordinated with the Office of the Auditor General of Norway


Project purpose
To assist the Department of Energy & Minerals in developing a structural approach for their new data management responsibilities related to their future responsibilities concerning Exploration and Production (in order to maximise their share in the production of oil, gas and other natural resources).

Project results
- idea about the feasibility of a National Data Repository (NDR) for Zanzibar;
- first draft of a NDR (both technical and organizational aspects);
- improved insight on how to implement the (future) Petroleum Act;
- inventory of possible challenges/obstacles.


Algemene Rekenkamer

€ 205.094

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
A workshop will be organised for the Department of Energy and Minerals (and other relevant parties within the Tanzanian government). The participants are expected to be involved in policy and technical issues related to exploration and production.

The general outline of the workshop has already been discussed with Department of Energy and Minerals and will be further detailed by TNO-GDN based on the needs of the counterpart in Zanzibar.

The workshop will start by addressing the questions below and will work towards the above mentioned results.

  • What are the consequences of the Petroleum act for Zanzibar.
  • What is the current state of the Petroleum Act that Zanzibar is drafting?
  • Where will the data come from that Zanzibar will manage? what quantity of data is to be expected? What does the data look like?
  • What is the institutional set up? Who will manage data on Zanzibar?
  • What does Zanzibar want to do with the data and for whom? Are new ‘licensing rounds’ to be expected in the short run?
  • Will they mainly be dealing with wells, boreholes and seismic? Or also reserves, licenses and production quantities?
  • What does the ministry already have available in terms of software? (database? GIS?)
  • What are the final ambitions for NDR?
  • What kind of infrastructure is needed? What does the resource planning look like?

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