Competition: Dutch and international best practices in law, institutional organisation and economic analyses | | Rijksdienst

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Competition: Dutch and international best practices in law, institutional organisation and economic analyses

Project purpose

To assist the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee in it's ambition to develop it's organisation taking into account Dutch and international best practices in the field of law and institutional organisation and economic analyses.


Project results

  • The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine gains Dutch and European Union experience in sphere of Investigation of cartels in fuel markets
  • The Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee has developed a blueprint and action plan for the development of it's organisation, combining tasks in the field of competition law enforcement and regulation of certain sectors;
  • The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine is enabled to perform economic analyses according to methods which are internationally accepted and allow for comparison of economic analyses performed for Ukrainian markets with analyses of markets in other countries.






the Netherlands Competition Authority



Law, Government  and Economics



€ 70,000


Status project



Project activities

  • Attendance of a Ukrainian delegation of maximum 8 representatives of the State Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to the 10th Annual Jubilee Conference of the International Competition Network (from the 17th until 21st of May 2011) in the Hague;
  • Workshops on economic analyses/price analysis, focussing on the Ukrainian Fuel Market;
  • Workshop to develop blueprint and action plan.


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