Construction of Public Health Facilities in Western Region | | Rijksdienst

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Construction of Public Health Facilities in Western Region


The project entails the strengthening of the health system capacity in the western region of Ghana. The project is defined as an incorporation of the development, implementation and operation and maintenance of the following pillars: health infrastructure and medical equipment, human resources, capacity building, and quality management.


Western region of Ghana, Akontombra, Elubo, Bogoso, Nsuaem, Wassa Dunkwa, and Mpohor


Life Sciences & Health


Ministry of Finance

Competent Authority

Ministry of Health

Parties Involved

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

26,000,000 Euro / 11,232,500 Euro

Status project

Implementation Phase

This project concerns the upgrading of six existing primary healthcare facilities (‘sites’) in six marginalized, rural districts in the Western region of Ghana. The locations include the towns of Akontombra, Elubo, Bogoso, Nsuaem, Wassa Dunkwa, and Mpohor.

The project aims to improve access to quality health care in rural and marginalized areas by developing functional health infrastructure and addressing both the need for physical infrastructure & equipment (‘hard ware’) as well as support for quality driven and results oriented health care delivery (‘software’), tailored to local health needs and priorities.

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