Continuation of the harmonisation of the standards on food safety and its implementation in India and in the Netherlands. | | Rijksdienst

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Continuation of the harmonisation of the standards on food safety and its implementation in India and in the Netherlands.

Project purpose

The continuation of the harmonisation process on the food safety standards in order to create a level playing field in the international trade of food products between India and the Netherlands (EU).

Project results

  1. A contribution to a better understanding of each other’s position on food safety issues which results in a safe export system of food and food products from India to the EU. In this respect the possibilities to work towards a mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) will also be explored.
  2. Recognition of the Indian laboratory results and a high level of trust at both sides (EU and India) which contributes to more awareness of chain responsibility from farmer to consumer.

New Delhi, India


Food safety

€ 333,011

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

  • Inception mission (refers to both results). During this mission the role of the private laboratories will be taken into account. It might be useful to involve the private laboratories in the trainings.Also the role of a representative of the Indian peanut trade in this project will be discussed (with the mycotoxin problems in India in the supply of the peanuts to the EU, its importers become more insecure in their guarantee of supply to the EU clients).
  • Dedicated to the exchange of information and organisation on the implementation of food safety standards at governmental level, a number of training sessions will be organised by FSSAI with input of NVWA experts. With a total of six workshops of three days with the staff and inspectors of the FSSAI, approximately 120 persons will be trained on the harmonisation of the international food safety standards and its implementation. We would like to work on a better understanding of the EU-regulations on the indicated issues and work on a mutual recognition of the inspection regulations. In 2013 the EU started a CITD-program touching elements related to food safety as well. Contacts have been made with the EU-delegation and the project manager in order to see whether both projects can develop compatibility and synergy in their activities. The trade of agricultural products between both the EU and India should be facilitated and increased without technical barriers of trade (refers to result 1).
  • A study tour of five days for five persons at management level of the region and at central office on how the NVWA is dealing with control of food safety (refers to both results).
  • Through six workshops of three days approximately 120 persons at laboratory level (central and regional food safety laboratories) will be trained in how to organise and conduct the laboratory methods on samples taken in relation to residue and microbiology control. At laboratory level technical issues and equivalence of results with a credible audit system will be pursued.

    To increase the involvement and the sense of responsibility on the chain it is necessary to set up a program for scheduled audit trails. This should cover the whole process from harvesting ground products to the finished product mapped and reviewed. On the basis of the newly obtained information it can be determined what items need to be addressed so that an effective improvement of the process can be generated. This will contribute to mutual recognition of laboratory results at national and international level (refers to result 2).
  • Final seminar of two days on the project results, together with participation of Indian participants (refers to both results).

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