Cooperation on compliance to European Ecodesign and RoHS Directives | | Rijksdienst

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Cooperation on compliance to European Ecodesign and RoHS Directives

Project purpose

The project purpose is to come to a clear understanding on European and Chinese environmental requirements on electr(on)ic products, to identify differences and similarities between Chinese and European requirements and risks for non conformity of products and to establish a structure of information exchange between Chinese and European market surveillance authorities on non conform products.


Project results

  • Mutual understanding of tasks, responsibilities, working procedures concerning Ecodesign and RoHS;
  • Mutual understanding on disparities between the Chinese and European environmental requirements;
  • Agreement about further cooperation to come to effective supervision.







Netherlands Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate






€ 20,000


Status project




Workshop in Beijing

A 3 day workshop will be organised in Beijing concerning Ecodesign and RoHS. Presentations will be prepared about the Dutch (European) and Chinese policy, interests, way of approach and enforcement concerning Ecodesign and RoHS. During discussions the cooperation in these area's will be explored.


Participants in the workshop will, at least, be:

from China:

MIIT – policy experts on China ROHS

MIIT - policy export on China Ecodesign

MEP – policy expert on Ecodesign / RoHs

AQSIQ – expert on inspection of Chinese export products

CIQ – expert on inspections


from the Netherlands:

– Expert on policy making Ecodesign

- Expert on market surveillance activities on RoHS in Netherlands and Europe

- Expert on market surveillance activities on Ecodesign in Netherlands and Europe


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