Cooperation on a Sino-Dutch Low-carbon zone Shenzhen | | Rijksdienst

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Cooperation on a Sino-Dutch Low-carbon zone Shenzhen

Project purpose

The purpose of the project is to set-up a Sino-Dutch cooperation framework for the joint development of a ‘low-carbon zone’ in Shenzhen with the involvement of the Dutch government as well as companies and research institutes and to start the implementation of the first government to government cooperation activities.


Project results

  1. Organizational structure of the Sino-Dutch cooperation concerning the joint development of the low carbon zone in place.
  2. Relevant government to government agreements supporting the cooperation signed (or in preparation to be signed)
  3. Insight in and substantial involvement of the relevant Dutch knowledge institutes and private sector.
  4. Common understanding of the areas of expertise and technologies that are necessary to implement the strategic vision
  5. Common understanding of the role the Netherlands government can play in terms of knowledge transfer with regard to these areas of expertise and technologies
  6. Common understanding of the role the Netherlands knowledge institutes and companies can play with regard to these areas of expertise and technologies and the further development of the low carbon zone.
  7. Several knowledge transfer activities between the government organizations on these technologies and areas of expertise have taken place (in the implementation phase)



Longgang, Shenzhen



Low carbon/eco city



NL Agency, Innovation Attaché network China



€ 150,000


Status project



Project activities

Feasibility phase

Regular contact and meetings with the relevant network

During the feasibility phase regular meetings and contact will take place between TWA Guangzhou and relevant partners such as the Shenzhen government, the Netherlands Ministries, the business communities, TUDelft/NGI infrastructures in order to investigate the feasibility and facilitate the cooperation activities.


Shenzhen delegation visit to The Netherlands

18-22 September 2011. A delegation headed by vice-mayor TANG Jie will visit The Netherlands for 3 days to discuss the further cooperation and to see Dutch examples relevant for the developments in Shenzhen. EL&I en I&M will be visited in order to discuss the future cooperation, starting with the expert meeting in November. Also Delft University of Technology will play an important role in the program and will discuss the establishment of a joined research center.

Deliverable: agreement on the expert meeting in November


Expert meeting in Shenzhen

November 2011.

Experts from The Netherlands, including from EL&I, I&M will travel to Shenzhen to meet with Chinese counterparts from local and national government level (NDRC Climate change department; Shenzhen DRC, Shenzhen Environmental Protection Bureau, Shenzhen Industry Trade and Information Technology Commission, Longgang District Government, Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Commission).

The expert meeting consists of a 3-day programme of plenary sessions, workgroup meetings, and site visits.

During the sessions, a detailed discussion will be held on the common areas of interest and cooperation models.  The relevant expertise in the Dutch private sector will be showcased.

Deliverables: Go/No go decision with regard to the further cooperation. Common understanding about the most interesting subjects for cooperation, the role of knowledge institutes and private sector and about the next steps in developing the cooperation framework.


Development Phase

The exact activities in this phase depend on the outcome of the feasibility phase. Possible activities include:


Regular contact and meetings with the relevant network

During the feasibility phase regular meetings and contact will take place between TWA Guangzhou and relevant partners such as the Shenzhen government, the Netherlands Ministries, the business communities, TUDelft/NGI infrastructures in order to investigate and develop the cooperation framework and to coordinate the cooperation.


Stakeholder meeting in Shenzhen1st quarter 2012

A meeting will be organized to work out in further details the cooperation framework and to discuss with all stakeholders the development of the eco-2-zone.

Possibly the event could be combined with a matchmaking for Chinese and Dutch companies or presentations from the Dutch and Chinese private sector/knowledge institutes


Expert missions

Depending on the identified needs an additional (exploratory)expert mission on a specific theme could be organized.


High-level signing ceremony

Timing and location depend on the outcome of the above activities. Several high-level opportunities can be used for signing. A MoU between the Netherlands Ministries and the NDRC is in the first place the responsibility of the concerning Ministries and will most likely encompass more than the eco-city cooperation. However, it is important to keep in touch about the link between an overall MoU and more specific agreements on the Shenzhen Eco-2-Zone.


Implementation Phase

The activities in the implementation phase will be defined in the preceding phases. Examples are:


- a small government cooperation on a specific theme such
  as the development of eco-city standards or waste
  management system;

- several workshops between (government) experts on
  different relevant themes;

- enabling Dutch government experts to take part in a
  expert working group or steering committee.

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