Dairy Farm Equipment, Ethiopia | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Dairy Farm Equipment, Ethiopia

Goal of the project

This project aims to improve the market efficiency and sustainability of the dairy value chain for regional markets in Ethiopia by producing, selling and maintaining dairy equipment locally. This includes the production of measuring, processing and packing equipment. This will increase the shelf life of dairy products. The estimated outcome of the project is that 10,000 farmers will double their income (or earn USD 500 annually).

Project number



  • Ethiopia


  • Region around Addis Ababa
  • Awassa
  • Dire Dawa


  • Food processing
  • Milk sector

Project budget

€ 1,481,100 (FDOV contribution = € 740,000)


  • Selam Children Village
  • Mueller Sales BV Assen
  • Selam Awassa Business Group PLC

Project description

Most farmers in Ethiopia are subsistence farmers, living around the poverty line. Most farmers also own cows. The dairy sector has a large potential for improvements. The improved dairy cattle population (better breeds) is still very small, and feed is often of low quality. A number of initiatives are currently undertaken to improve the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. A major problem identified in these programmes is the limited availability and maintenance of quality dairy farm equipment. This project focuses on this missing link in the dairy value chain, and proposes to develop production units for the production of dairy tools and equipment for:

  • Measuring, storage and chilling of the milk
  • Processing milk and producing butter, cheese and yogurt
  • Packaging.

The production units will be developed at two existing technical colleges, both partners in the project. A new technical college will be established for regional coverage in Ethiopia. The estimated outcome of the project is that 10,000 farmers will double their income (or earn USD 500 annually) by increased milk and milk products production.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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