Dairy sector improvement Georgia | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Dairy sector improvement Georgia

Project purpose

During a study visit of Georgian dairy farmers as well as (non)-governmental officials in the dairy sector the group will be familiarized with the Dutch experiences and knowledge in the dairy sector to address some of the problems mentioned below in the problem analysis.

The study visit is takes part begin of July.

This study visit is the second activity in the dairy sector in Georgia. First one was a sector analysis and a small training to dairy farmers and extension centre managers executed by The Friesian in 2014, financed by RVO (LED).

Project results

  • Georgian dairy farmer participants of the study visit have gained more knowledge about dairy farming in order to understand how to improve their milk production volumes, quality of their products as well as receiving best practices in farm management and animal health.
  • Georgian (non)-governmental organizations will be able to improve their knowledge on managing and establishing cooperatives in practice. They furthermore learn about aspects of health and safety regulation in the Dutch dairy sector.
  • Dutch experience and technology is shared with the Georgian participants which in the future might lead to export of Dutch knowledge and products towards Georgia
  • Basis for future cooperation between the Georgian and Dutch private and public sectors is established during the visit.






Agro/Dairy sector


€ 56,607

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

  • Preparatory meeting with all of the actors
    During a preparatory meeting in Georgia with all of the participants of the study visit, details on the Dutch dairy sector are provided as well as expectations and goals of the participants are gathered.
  • Study visit
    During the study visit the participants will come to the Netherlands in order to be introduced to Dutch knowledge and expertise in the dairy sector. This study tour is aimed to transfer the specific knowledge apparent in the Dutch dairy sector which is requested by the Georgian counterparts e.g. the challenges and problems stipulated in both the  Agricultural Sector Strategy of Georgia and the problems identified by previous research done by the Embassy of the Netherlands and the EU and brought forward by the participants of the study visit themselves. Due to the fact that goals within the group are differentiated between (non-)governmental organizations on the one hand and private sector companies on the other hand, the program for both of the groups should differentiate to comply with the goals of the visit.
  • Proposed follow-up visit
    (to be executed later on in 2015 or in 2016, not being part of this initial project)During a follow-up visit of Dutch experts, additional support is given to understanding of the gained information during the study-visit to the Netherlands. By doing so, a Georgian model on the development of the value chain, institutional development of the sector as well as enhancing competitiveness of entrepreneurs and farmers can be ensured.


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