Developing an Airport Talent Development Program for the Russian civil aviation industry | | Rijksdienst

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Developing an Airport Talent Development Program for the Russian civil aviation industry

Project purpose

To further develop the Russian infrastructure and mobility in the Russian Federation by developing the Russian civil aviation and airport infrastructure sector through structuring long-term talent development and exchange program between the Russian and the Dutch aviation sector and governments

 Project results

The current project aims to:

  1.  Expand the knowledge of representatives of the Russian Aviation sector in order the assist the Russian Aviation industry to Obtain the Goals laid down in Russian Airport Infrastructure Development Plan 2020
  2. Position the Dutch aviation and the DASR Cluster for doing business with the Russian aviation industry
  3. Enhance bilateral relations between the Russian and The Netherlands



Moscow, Russia


Dutch Aviation Solution Russia DASR


Transport by air


€ 100,000

Project status

Implementation phase


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