Developing a master plan for innovating design education in India - preparation | | Rijksdienst

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Developing a master plan for innovating design education in India - preparation

Project purpose

  • To develop a plan for supporting the Indian government and Indian Innovation Council in developing and innovating large scale design education and for offering broad design expertise from the Netherlands, both for development of education as well as the professional skills.
  • To strengthen cooperation between Dutch and Indian design institutes, design schools and experts.
  • To expand contacts and collaboration between Indian and Dutch professionals, educators and creation of B2B opportunities.


Project results

A concise plan for innovating and up-scaling the design education and enhancing the design 'culture' in India, utilizing Dutch expertise, is drafted and presented to the Indian counterparts.






Delft University of Technology






€ 195,000


Status project



Project activities

  • Preparation of a well founded plan, involving Dutch design education institutes and private sector expertise;
  • forming of a Dutch and Indian Expert group, to function as sparring partners during the development of the plan;
  • 1 mission to India to exchange views on the draft plan (2 persons);
  • 1 (or 2) dedicated missions to India for the presentation of the plan and discussion of the follow-up, involving a broad spectrum of Dutch expertise and knowledge (12 persons)




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