The development of EASA-certified training programmes for Russian airplane maintenance personnel | | Rijksdienst

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The development of EASA-certified training programmes for Russian airplane maintenance personnel

Project purpose

Assist the Russian aviation sector to overcome the shortage of EASA certified airplane mechanics by exchanging knowledge on the training and education of airplane maintenance personnel according to EASA standards.


(Targeted) project results

This project aims to achieve the following results:

1) A Russian training institute for airplane maintenance personnel has developed and started a EASA-certified training programme for "re-schooling" (existing) mechanics;

2) A Russian vocational school for airplane personnel has designed or adopted a curriculum for educating students as EASA certified mechanics.






Stratagem Group B.V.






€ 24,999


Project status

Implementation phase



Project activities

  1. An incoming mission of 4 persons of a Russian training institute and a vocational school to explore the possibilities for setting up EASA training/education;
  2. A visit of the ROC Leeuwenborgh quality assurance staff to a Russian vocational school to assess the training environment at the vocational school;
  3. Outgoing visit for the final preparations and development to the vocational school and the training institute to finalise the preparations for the training at the training institute and the curriculum at the school.
  4. Train the trainer mission to Russian training institute for airplane maintenance personnel and the vocational school for airplane maintenance personnel;

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