Development joint Indian Dutch Green Genetics research programme | | Rijksdienst

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Development joint Indian Dutch Green Genetics research programme

Project purpose

A joint Indian - Dutch Green Genetics programme, comprised of activities in the areas: R&D, Biodiversity, PVP and Trade Relation


Project results

  • common ground from the perspective of the Indian and Dutch government, industry and academic stakeholders for a framework for a joint collaboration and exchange in the area of plant sciences/agronomic research and education;
  • an overview of the challenges, opportunities and solutions concerning a joint Indian Dutch collaboration in the area of Biodiversity;
  • Setting the joint agenda regarding PVP issues and solutions, experienced barriers regarding establishing subsidiaries in India and trade barriers in general
  • a cooperation/collaboration agreement between India and The Netherlands, signed by Minister Bleker from the Dutch side.






Stichting Technologisch Topinstituut Groene Genetica



Green Genetics



€ 105,000


Status project



Project activities

The result of the project will be:

Result 1:  Inception mission: Designing- and creating common ground for a framework for a joint collaboration and exchange in the area of plant sciences/agronomic research and education. Upon a positive evaluation afterwards, the results of the inception mission will be summarised in a MOU/LOI and be the basis of the workshop as described under result 2.


Result 2: A workshop in order to focus and to define in detail the programme theme’s from the perspective of the Indian and Dutch government, industry and academic stakeholders. The workshop will be concluded, upon positive joint evaluation and stakeholder commitment, by signing in December 2011 of a cooperation/collaboration agreement between India and The Netherlands.


Result 3: Exploration of a joint Indian Dutch collaboration in the area of Biodiversity: gene banks, repositories, facilitating exchange of plant material. Identification of challenges, opportunities and solutions will be a major aspect in this. Upon a positive evaluation afterwards, the results of the inception mission will be summarised in a MOU/LOI and be the basis of the workshop as described under result 4.


Result 4: A workshop on biodiversity cooperation from the perspective of the Indian and Dutch government, industry and. The workshop will be concluded, upon positive joint evaluation and stakeholder commitment, by signing in 2012 of a cooperation/collaboration agreement between India and The Netherlands.


Result 5: Potato expert Workshop in Jalander, December 2011/January 2012. The workshop will serve in order to create more common ground regarding solving and addressing PVP issues between NL and India.


Result 6: Presence and presentation of the Indo-Dutch Green Genetics joint R&D program during the annual congress of the Indian Seed Federation, February 2012, Delhi.


Result 7: workshop and presentation joint R&D program during visit of Minister Bleker in 2012.


1 Inception mission:

A. Discussing, designing- and creating common ground for a framework for a joint collaboration and exchange in the area of plant sciences/agronomic research and education. This part of the project will be prepared in October 2011 and executed in week 40 of 2011.

The results will be evaluated by the Dutch stakeholders at the one hand and the Indian stakeholders at the other hand. The evaluation will be the basis for a go no go decision for: the framework and budget of the programme and as a result of this the workshop to be organised in December 2011/spring 2012;

B. Identification of barriers for Dutch seed companies to start a subsidiary in India followed by an exchange of viewpoint how to address/to solve these matters.

The results will be evaluated by the Dutch stakeholders at the one hand and the Indian stakeholders at the other hand. The evaluation will be the basis for a go no go decision for further activities at the level of trade barriers


2 Workshop:

On the basis of a positive overall evaluation of the inception mission a stakeholder workshop will be organised in December 2011/January 2012 in Delhi The aim of the workshop is to create common ground, focus, fine tuning and agreement for the themes/topics as defined during the inception mission. The workshop will be attended by representatives of industry, government, knowledge institutions, both from India and The Netherlands.

The results will be evaluated by the joint stakeholders. The evaluation will be the basis for a go no go decision for the further implementation and execution of the intended programme in 2012 on the basis of clear commitments of the stakeholders involved.


3 Activities as a follow up to 1 and 2:

As a follow up a workshop will be organised in Jalander in December 2011/January 2012 (activity 5), Moreover upon realizing an agreement between the Indian and Dutch governments on a joint R&D programme in the area of Green Genetics, the intended programme will be presented through an information stand at the Indian Seed Conference in February 2012 (activity 6). Moreover through public media calls for proposal and associated details will be announced.


4 Activities 3 and 4:

Activities 3 and 4 follow the lines as described for activities 1 and 2 at the level of the theme biodiversity. These activities are planned for 2012, preferably in association with the other activities described.

The results will be evaluated by the Dutch stakeholders at the one hand and the Indian stakeholders at the other hand. The evaluation will be the basis for a go no go decision for: the framework and budget of follow up activities.


5 Activities as a follow up to 3 and 4:

As a follow up it is envisaged that Minister Bleker will sign an agreement with his Indian counterpart during his visit to India in 2012. This agreement will focus on bilateral arrangements on exchange and preservation of germplasm.


6 Activities as a follow up to 1 to 6:

As a follow up and final event it is envisaged that Minister Bleker will be present at a joint workshop on Indo Dutch R&D collaboration during his visit to India in 2012.


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