E-Certification | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Project purpose

The aim is to establish sustainable electronic certification, based on international standards of agricultural products, between Turkey and the Netherlands


Project results

•  An XML-scheme for veterinary products according to UN-CEFACT standards accepted by Turkey and the Netherlands.

•  An agreed level of security between Turkey and the Netherlands to protect the electronic exchange of data

•  Publication and Communication to all relevant actors on the Turkish the electronic exchange of data as an alternative for paper certificates.

•  A trial on the export certificate for veterinary products from the Netherlands to Turkey.

•  Script for expanding the number of connections









Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority



Food Safety



€ 150,000


Status project



Project activities

•          Initiation and feasibility study

•          Design of procedures and technology (XML)

•          Communication & Approval

•          Testing & Trial

•          Evaluation & conclusion of the project


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