E-Learning:introducing local companies and farmers to advanced knowledge on Food&Cold Chain to increase productivity | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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E-Learning:introducing local companies and farmers to advanced knowledge on Food&Cold Chain to increase productivity

Project purpose

This project aims to extend the knowledge of local farmers en enterprises of harvesting techniques, Supply & Cold Chain Management and Integrated Biological Pestmanagement, in order to increase the efficiency of the food chain in India.

Project results

  1. The knowledge on harvesting techniques, Supply & Cold Chain Management and Integrated Biological Pestmanagement of Indian and Dutch knowledge institutes  and companies active in the food chain will be shared.
  2. In cooperation with local organisations and institutions an e-learning module and App will be developed and introduced to local famers and companies active in the food chain.


Marahastra regio, India


IPN Holding B.V.




€ 64,998

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

  • Seminar and field research with local organisations to assess what knowledge local farmers and companies lack. In this phase the preconditions for developing the E-learning module and the App will be determined;
  • Coverting the results form phase 1 into the content of the E-learning module and the App;
  • Testing the E-learning module and the App with local farmers and companies;
  • Refining the E-learning module and the App;
  • Introducing the E-learning module and the App with local companies and farmers and the train-the trainers;
  • Aftercare.

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