Empowering Moroccan women with the LUCY reproductive and maternal health app | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Empowering Moroccan women with the LUCY reproductive and maternal health app

Morocco has made substantial improvement in reproductive, maternal and newborn health over the past years, however challenges remain, especially for rural and lower educated women. Higher maternal and newborn mortality, limited access to health services and information, and sexual violence are common issues for this group.

Health[e]Foundation’s LUCY app provides Moroccan women with complete and accurate health information in their local language, including personalized reminders for clinic visits and vaccination of their babies. This not only promotes better health outcomes during and after pregnancy, it will also result in healthy babies, improved communication with health providers and simultaneously empowers women to make informed decisions. A feasibility study will explore the market potential and business case of the LUCY app for the Moroccan market.

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