Engineering Business Intelligence | | Rijksdienst

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Engineering Business Intelligence

pThe consortium aims to take the scope, the quality and the impact of data collection, data analytics and data visualisation to a new level in the process industry. We want to use human-centred design methods and replicate and exploit the insights to practitioners and scientists. Engineering Business Intelligence (EBI) will create a new digital method to detect how sub-optimal process operation measured within the process data, affects Sustainability, Quality and Economic value of the process to provide input in mitigation and consequently leverage economics with environmental performance. This novel method will provide detailed insight into the effects of process anomalies, both incidental faults and expected drifts in routine operation (e.g process fouling) on environmental, economic and consistency performance losses. The disruptive, descriptive and predictive capabilities of such new technology may be implemented as a novel information source with a specific role in the workforce, which not only requires a technological transition, but also a transition throughout the organization in which the workforce internalises the digital technologies in order to identify process failures./p

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