Environmental risk assessment in area of plant protection products | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Environmental risk assessment in area of plant protection products

Project purpose

Croatian experts are familiarized with methodology and specific national rules of environmental risk assessment in Netherlands.


Project results

  1. Capacity of Croatian experts dealing with and risk assessment in the area of environmental fate and behaviour strengthened;
  2. Capacity of Croatian experts dealing with and risk assessment in the area of aquatics strengthened;
  3. Strengthening the capacity of Croatian experts dealing with  the risk assessment in the area of ecotoxicology;
  4. Capacity of Croatian experts dealing with monitoring of pesticides in waters strengthened.






National Institute for Public Health and the Environment



Environmental risk assessment



€ 96,000


Status project



Project activities

Concerning result 1)

  • Inception mission; Institutional analysis will be performed to ensure that the proper experts are trained. The training of the Croatian experts can be tailored to their needs. A time plan must be made to schedule the working visits in cooperation with project G2G11HR64.
  • Working visits by Dutch expert(s): give insight to Dutch experts on Croatian risk assessment for ground water and surface water on national level;
  • Working visits to the relevant Dutch institutions  to gain an insight into Dutch risk assessment for ground water and surface water on national level including specific environmental conditions considered in determining which FOCUS scenarios are going to be used on national level in Netherlands;
  • Training in environmental fate and behaviour on existing FOCUS ground water and FOCUS surface water scenarios and how they were implemented on the national level in Netherlands;
  • Advice to Croatian experts on how to make analysis of existing condition in Croatia and apply FOCUS scenarios to Croatian specific conditions, solve leaching problems of plant protection products in vulnerable areas (e.g. karst).


Concerning result 2)

  • Working visits to the relevant Dutch institutions to gain an insight into Dutch aquatic risk assessment on national level including specific environmental conditions considered;
  • Working visits by Dutch expert(s): give insight to Dutch experts on Croatian aquatic risk assessment on national level;
  • Training and advice to Croatian experts on high tier aquatic risk assessment.


Concerning result 3)

  • Education on broad overview of different aspects of ecotoxicology, including environmental chemistry, toxicology, ecology and risk assessment related topics.


Concerning result 4)

  • Study visit to the relevant Dutch institutions to get knowledge and information of methodology and analyses of pesticides in water;
  • Visit by Dutch expert(s) to Croatia and inform them of setting up of monitoring programme for groundwater and surface water;
  • Training and advice to Croatian experts concerning problems in analyses of pesticides.


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