Establishing Dutch Online Academy for Craftmanship and Entrepreneurship focused on teaching women and youth to sew and/or become an entrepreneur in Iraq and MENA Region | | Rijksdienst

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Establishing Dutch Online Academy for Craftmanship and Entrepreneurship focused on teaching women and youth to sew and/or become an entrepreneur in Iraq and MENA Region

With this project we will develop and deliver quality- and practical programmes in the field of Fashion Design and Business Development trainings that are fully oriented towards (self)employment.

This project will ensure inclusive access to improve TVET skills development and contribute to improved employability and socio-economic status for vulnerable women and youth in Iraq. In order to expand outreach, the digital presence will be through On-line and blended learning courses. With this feasibility study, we would like to develop a prototype consisting of 1 module. During this phase we will further research and test 1 module with 100 female users from Iraq.


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