Exchange of expertise on inter-disciplinary planning processes in the scope of ‘Atelier Istanbul'. | | Rijksdienst

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Exchange of expertise on inter-disciplinary planning processes in the scope of ‘Atelier Istanbul'.

Project purpose

- Supporting implementation of the pilot project in Arnavutköy

- Stimulation involvement of NL businesses in pilot project.


Project results

  • Enlargement of commitment and support of relevant Turkish stakeholders for the execution of the action plan and implementation of the developed pilot project of 'Atelier Istanbul' in the municipality of Arnavutköy.
  • Exchange of expertise with the relevant Turkish stakeholders holders of the project 'Atelier Istanbul' at different government levels about:

- inter-disciplinary planning processes

- integration of environment, agriculture, water and urbanisation.

  • Creating opportunities for Dutch companies to expose their knowledge and expertise to Turkish public and private sector.



Istanbul - Arnavutköy



Urban development



Ministy of Infrastructure and Environment




€ 65,000


Status project



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