Expert mission on integrated solid waste management | | Rijksdienst

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Expert mission on integrated solid waste management


Project purpose
To explore business opportunities for Dutch companies in Bolivia’s solid waste management sector.

Project results

  • Mission report including technical analysis of the situation regarding integrated solid waste management (ISWM) in Bolivia and leads for possible future  activities;
  • Brief assessment of the current situation in terms of local, regional and national waste management policies, including the cooperation between the three different levels;
  • Report on Bolivian organizations implementing ISWM and interested in establishing commercial ties with Dutch counterparts;
  • Report on Dutch private sector companies offering products and/or services in ISWM and with an interest to develop
  • Business in Bolivia;
  • ToR for organizing a Trade Mission to Bolivia later on in 2015;
  • Participation in a waste management event in one of the three focal cities.

Bolivia has limited trade experience in the ISWM sector and has mainly been working on a non-commercial basis with Swisscontact and the Catalan Waste Agency. This cooperation was based on five different fields of interest:

  1. General capacity building;
  2. Development of planning and technical instruments;
  3. Preparation and distribution of a draft legislative framework on solid waste;
  4. Developing pilot projects;
  5. Preparation and dissemination of a technical framework on solid waste management.

For 2014 Bolivia is aiming at continuation of this cooperation through EU funding.

Funding for the upgrading of municipal waste management  comes from the above mentioned US$ 20 million/5 years InterAmerican Development Bank loan and Japan and the Latin American Development Bank (CAF).

La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, Boliva


Waste Management

€ 40,670

Project status

Project activities
A scoping mission of two Dutch experts. One expert is focusing on the technical aspects of waste management while the other is looking into opportunities for business development.

Activities to be included in the assignment:

  • Analysis of the technical aspects of the waste system in La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, partially based on the available information from the Ministry.
  • Brief analysis of the non-technical aspects of the waste system in La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, partially based on the available information from the Ministry (incl. legal framework, institutional arrangements, financial conditions (tariffs structure, costs analysis), community involvement and informal sector involvement (in recycling).
  • Development of a report describing the most urgent aspects that require technology transfer and transfer of knowledge of related non-technology aspects.
  • Participation in at least one technical information exchange event on waste management in one of the focal cities, incorporating all three government levels.
  • Preparations for the Dutch Trade Mission on waste to Bolivia including identification of the relevant subsectors.

The mission will take two or three weeks and includes a visit to all three cities: La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Included in these two/three weeks is drawing up a draft mission report which also provides the starting point for future cooperation (public and private) and preliminary ideas for the trade mission to be organized later on in 2015. The experts will work at the Ministry of Environment and Water in La Paz and will travel as needed. The expected duration of the assignment, including preparations and final reporting will be maximum two months.

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