Extension of the project of the rehabilitation of diagnostic services | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Extension of the project of the rehabilitation of diagnostic services


TThe project aims to reduce mother and child morbidity and mortality rates as well as general morbidity and mortality rates in Tanzania. To achieve this, the project takes an integrated approach in investing in infrastructural works, medical equipment and capacity building in 37 selected public hospitals at different levels.


Tanzania Mainland


Life Sciences & Health


Ministry of Finance

Competent Authority

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

Parties Involved

Philips Healthcare

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

23,000,000 Euro / 11,944,610 Euro

Status project

Implementation Phase

The project is defined as the improvement of diagnostic and surgical services at municipal, regional hospitals and tertiary (referral and specialized) hospitals through provision of medical equipment and infrastructure, preventive and corrective maintenance, training and technical assistance. The project focuses specifically on mother and neonatal care, improvement of emergency services, operating theatres, intensive care units, high dependence wards, patient monitoring and rehabilitation services.

The project is defined as the improvement of diagnostic and surgical services at 23 municipal and regional hospitals and 8 tertiary (referral and specialized) hospitals through provision of medical equipment and infrastructure, preventive and corrective maintenance, training and technical assistance. The project focuses specifically on mother and neonatal care, improvement of emergency services, operating theatres, intensive care units, high dependence wards, patient monitoring and rehabilitation services.

The project contributes to:
  • strengthening the Referral System, making it more efficient and effective at all levels;
  • reducing the lack of specialized services in diagnostics, operating theatres and maternity care;

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