Fact-finding mission on Phytosanitary and pest management issues | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Fact-finding mission on Phytosanitary and pest management issues

Project purpose

To explore the current situation concerning phytosanitary issues and pesticide management in Ghana in order to draft recommendations for the private sector and especially the government in Ghana and to suggest possible support by the Netherlands government.

Project results
Recommendations for plan of approach for government and private sector and suggestions for Netherlands government support within G2G and FDOV.

  • improved insight in the phytosanitary situation and issues within Ghanaian private sector;
  • improved insight in the institutional setting and capacities within the Government of Ghana with regard to phytosanitary issues;

Recommendations for the Government with regard to pesticide management, if possible including a proposal for support within a G2G project.

  • improved insight in the institutional setting, capacities and willingness to undertake action within the Government of Ghana with regard to pesticide management;
  • improved insight in pesticide use, registration and availability in Ghana;

PPRSD and private sector has received basic integrated crop management training

Accra, Ghana


€ 16,158

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
During a five day mission, meetings with relevant government institutes and several private parties will be organised to gain good insight in the challenges the sector is facing concerning pests and pesticides and the current state of affairs within the public and private sector.

Approximately 3 days of meetings:

The meetings will be organised by the Netherlands Embassy together with Ghana Veg and the PPRSD in consultation with NVWA. The meetings will most likely include:

  • Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA)
  • Plant Protection & Regulatory Services Directorate (PPRSD)
  • Food and Drug Authority (FDA)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • CABI
  • Companies (like Wienco)/farms
  • Shops where they sell pesticides

Approximately 2 days of training

In addition a training will be organised concerning Phytosanitary issues. Such practical training will be very useful to gain insight in the situation at farms/companies and in the knowledge level of the participants from the private sector and the government institutes. In addition the mission will have a concrete results for the stakeholders involved.

The set-up of the training will be as practice oriented as possible. For instance one day of company visits, together with representatives from PPRSD. During the visits, the NVWA will be able to give practical pointers to the companies. During a second day a practical training can be provided on integrated crop management, using some practical examples from the first day. If possible, the training will also be organised ‘on location’.

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