Factfinding Automotive Indonesia | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Factfinding Automotive Indonesia

Project purpose

A fact-finding mission with at the end a detailed report of the findings. Possibly a presentation will be given to scan the interest of the participating parties. Than will be determined if and what actions will be taken to further develop this industry.

The results of the fact-finding will be shared with the automotive sector and all concerned parties. Based on the information gathered and analyses made by FIER, companies will decide whether or not they will continue explore  business opportunities in Indonesia. Depending on the identified opportunities specific organisations/parties can be matched.

Project results
A fact finding mission to Indonesia by an expert of the automotive industry in Netherlands (FIER).
Support will be provided by the Netherlands Embassy and JABAKEKA in Indonesia.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Fier B.V.

€ 17.748

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
Which business opportunities  exist in the automotive sector in Indonesia depends highly on the current situation. It is recognised that there is potential in the supporting automotive industry, and in wider perspective, smart mobility. To give the Dutch automotive sector sufficient information a more detailed research is needed. A fact-finding mission is than a logical action to gather the right information.

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