Factfinding for EIA capacity building in Myanmar | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Factfinding for EIA capacity building in Myanmar

Project purpose

Exploring the global and domestic business opportunities of the Myanmar oilseed and edible oil sector and of relevant Myanmar food safety control system (legislation and institutions).
In the longer run a public private partnership between the Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture and the edible oil sector will be strived for. Unilever, who is present with a local office in Myanmar, is very interested to be part of this future cooperation. In addition Wageningen University is in the middle of the process of closing a Memorandum of Understanding with Yesin University.

Project results

The result of the project is an assessment of the business opportunities of the Myanmar oilseed sector and of the applicable institutional setting including relevant food safety control systems.

The overall results specified:

  1. A report identifying the (Dutch) business opportunities and the bottlenecks in the institutional environment for certified quality control.
  2. Part of this report is a business plan for the food safety laboratory which will be discussed and communicated with the responsible authorities.

The report will motivate the feasibility of a certified quality laboratory. If the business plan is a “go” for the laboratory a Terms of Reference for the training of the staff will be drafted. The availability of this draft will be restricted to the direct stakeholders and is not part of the report.

Yangon, Myanmar

Commission for Environmental Assessment

Food safety

€ 15,697

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

Desk research; Fact finding mission to consultant stakeholders in order to identify institutional environment and business opportunities in a strategic management frame and reporting consultancies in Myanmar.
A presentation of the mission findings to key representatives of sector and institutions in Myanmar, a.o. the Food Security Working Group (www.myanmarFSWG.org).
Drafting the Terms of Reference for the supposed NEOQCL training;
Reporting to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RVO and other relevant Dutch stakeholders. The report will be publicly and digitally available as a PDF.

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