Factfinding-mission Capacity Building SLITHM | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Factfinding-mission Capacity Building SLITHM


Project purpose
The Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management  (SLITHM) and the former Ministry of Economic Development of Sri Lanka have asked the Netherlands Embassy in Colombo for their assistance with capacity building of the SLITHM staff and possibly upgrading of the curriculum of the institute.
The objective of the fact-finding mission (Phase 1) will be: finding out the primary gaps and needs from SLITHM.
The proposed follow up project K2K (Phase 2) should guarantee a long lasting transfer of technical and practical skills to the staff of SLITHM which will in turn increase knowledge in a sustainable way and support the development of a professional, commercial Tourism and Hospitality sector in Sri Lanka. 

Project results
Identification of a possible capacity building project and cooperation between the SLITHM and a Netherlands Knowledge Institute that may result (if appropriate) in a proposal for a cooperation/ capacity building program (K2K funded by PSD Apps) with realistic measurable results within a realistic timeframe.

  • A fact finding mission report
  • Specific results to be established when the scope of the project is established.

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mae Be Productions

€ 22.609

Project status
Implementation phase


Project activities
The Fact-finding mission program will be further defined in close consultation with the Netherlands Embassy in Colombo, RVO and the relevant stakeholders.

  • Briefing / Debriefing
    A briefing and debriefing at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • The following visits are advised: The Netherlands Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management (SLITHM), Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association, The Hotels Association of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, Discussions with management of hotels, tour operators, restaurants, etc
  • Mission report
    The mission report should give an impression of: Educational level SLITHM, Numbers of trainers at SLITHM, Current capacity of trainers (competencies, educational level), Identification of support to primary gaps and needs from the Netherlands, Accreditation options, Activities of other donors in relation to capacity building travel and hospitality industry in Sri Lanka (f.e. ILO and IFC), Identification of interest in the Netherlands with regard to capacity building and possible students exchange between Dutch and Sri Lankan knowledge institutes, Service level demands by hotels, tour operators and restaurants, Link between Dutch tourism sector (tour operators) and shared cultural heritage, Formulation of a cooperation proposal outline (ToR).

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