Fanning the spark (in Burundi) | | Rijksdienst

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Fanning the spark (in Burundi)

Project number



  • Burundi


  • Province of Gitega
  • Province of Munyinga
  • Province of Makamba


  • Agriculture
  • Services
  • Financial services
  • Insurance

Project budget

€ 3,870,000 (FDOV contribution = € 1,935,000)


  • Achmea
  • Alterra
  • HNTPO-Burundi

Project description

The project aims to improve agricultural practices through technical assistance – aiming at water conservation and soil improvement, and stimulating use of fertilizer and improved seeds. Simultaneously, crop and health insurance will become available through the set up of mutual insurance companies, thus mitigating related risks / facilitating investments which in turn become more easily available as the mutuals will also provide saving and loan facilities. The project will initially be implemented in four “collines” (hills, in fact sub provinces) in each of the three provinces of Gitega, Munyinga and Makamba (so in total 12 collines, with on average 4,000 inhabitants each), thereby starting with a group of approximately 20 ‘farmer-researchers’ per colline, subsequently expanding to the entire colline. Later on the interventions in each colline will expand to 2 neighbouring collines, thus eventually targeting 144,000 people.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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