Flying food | | Rijksdienst

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Flying food

Project number



  • Kenya
  • Uganda


  • Kenya: Kisumu
  • Uganda: Masaka


  • Agriculture

Project budget

€ 2,000,000 (FDOV contribution = € 1,000,000)


  • TNO Venik
  • Jagran BV
  • ICCO Netherlands
  • BoP innovation centre
  • HAS Den Bosch
  • Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)
  • Anglican Development services
  • Mixa food and beverages Ltd
  • ICCO regional offices East Africa
  • Basenene Dealership & Development Association

Project description

There is not sufficient affordable protein food available in Kenya and Uganda. Insects can provide these proteins for low costs. The intervention aims at the development of a sustainable value chain, including rearing, processing, packaging, distribution and retail. In Uganda the target area is the Masaka region in the southern part of the country and in Kenya the target area is the Nyabza region in the western part of the country. About 4,000 small-scale cricket farms will be established in Kenya and Uganda. The Dutch parties have experience with insect rearing, but not for human consumption, since there is not much market for insect consumption in the Netherlands. In East Africa, grasshopper consumption is common, but the insects are gathered in the wild, instead of rearing them. Because of this, they are only available one season a year. When the cricket rearing farms are established, the insects will be available whole year round. The insects will be eaten and will also be processed into flour as ingredient for other products. Since grasshoppers are not suitable to rear, crickets are targeted for the project, they are easy to maintain.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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