Food for all Project in Kenya | | Rijksdienst

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Food for all Project in Kenya

Goal of the project

The project aims to Improve the livelihoods and resilience of households, through improving access and availability of good food and livestock products, thereby reducing food and nutrition insecurity in Eastern region of Kenya. The project targets 48,500 households in the Eastern region of Kenya.

Project number



  • Kenya


  • Eastern region


  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Food processing

Project budget

€ 5,352,986 (FDOV contribution = € 2,598,675)


  • Heifer International
  • Meru Greens Horticulture
  • Soilcare Foundation
  • Horticultural Crop Directorate

Project description

Due to limited land availability and recurrent droughts as a result of climate change, about 75% of the inhabitants of the Eastern Kenya region are food insecure. The project wants to solve this problem by combining the production of bananas and vegetables with high value agricultural products like milk and French beans. This project focusses on smallholder farmers since they are producing about 95% of the national volume of fruits and vegetables and many of them are located in the eastern region.
Smallholder farmers lack access to quality inputs and storage and marketing opportunities. Within this project, cooling, processing and packaging facilities will be constructed. In order to increase the yields of all products, nurseries will be established and the farmers will be trained in climate SMART agriculture, livestock production practices and will be supported in obtaining certification. The certification is in order to guarantee the quality for export, but also for the local market.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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