Food security through improved resilience of small scale farmers in Ethiopia and Kenya (FOSEK) | | Rijksdienst

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Food security through improved resilience of small scale farmers in Ethiopia and Kenya (FOSEK)

Project number



  • Kenya
  • Ethopia


  • Nairobi (Kenya)
  • Ethiopia


  • Agriculture
  • Coffee production

Project budget

€ 9,267,581 (FDOV contribution = € 4,400,000)


  • Solidaridad
  • Nestlé
  • Solidaridad East and Central Africa Expertise Centre (SECAEC)
  • Coffee Research Foundation
  • Ecom Agroindustrial Corporation
  • Dorman Ltd
  • Coffee Management Services
  • Sustainable management Services
  • Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
  • Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
  • Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union

Project description

Food demand in Kenya and Ethiopia is higher than food supply. Farmers have the potential to produce al lot more food than they currently do, but they don’t have sufficient knowledge and input materials to accomplish this. Smallholder farmers in the coffee sector are almost always engaged in several other agricultural activities besides the coffee production. Part of them has received training in coffee growing and certification. But so far, there was no integral approach to improve the various activities and create linkages between the activities. Therefore, a consortium of Solidaridad (applicant) and partners SECAEC, Coffee Research Foundation Kenya, C. Dormans Ltd, Coffee Management Services Ltd, Sangana Commodities Ltd, Sustainable Management Systems Ltd, Nestlé SA and three farmers cooperative unions (YCFCU, SCFCU and OCFCU) wants to increase farmers productivity and resilience by improving sustainable agricultural practice and by combing coffee as a cash crop with production of a selection of food crops for local markets (intercropping). Trees like for instants macadamia can be used as shade trees in order to improve coffee yields and at the same time produce macadamia nuts with can be sold on the market and generate additional income for the farmer. Also, other food crops like pumpkins can be used for soil conservation and prevents dehydration and at the same time produce food. Besides the food crop business case, the project also includes a dairy business case. A joint learning platform will be established together with Hivos, who has applicated a similar project proposal (FDOV12KE06). Both organisations have worked together on the project proposals in order to prevent overlap and will work together in the future in sharing accumulated knowledge and best practises.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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