Framework for sustainable urban development | | Rijksdienst

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Framework for sustainable urban development

Project purpose

To support Algerian government in starting the implementing of its plan for renewable energy supply. This will be done through a stakeholders workshop, in close cooperation with the public research center in Algeria on renewable energy: CDER.

Project results

Through discussions with public and private parties, the workshop will result in a proposal for a step by step action plan for implementing the renewable energy programme in Algeria.




Internationale Architectuur Biennale Rotterdam (IABR)




€ 58,890

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

1 day stakeholders workshop

The selection of stakeholders will take place in close cooperation with the Dutch embassy in Algiers as well as with the Embassy of Algeria in The Hague. The prospective stakeholders for this workshop will include CDER, Ministry of Energy And Mines, and private companies such as Condor Electronics.

The workshop program and the invitees will be established after consultation with the relevant stakeholders.

From the Dutch side, experts in renewable energy will be available as speakers. Focus will be on solar PV and wind energy.

Next to the technical, market and policy issues around renewable energy the workshop will also look into the value chain for renewable energy and the possible involvement of Dutch companies.


•          Preparation and program planning, selection of stakeholders and invitees

•          Workshop (1 day) including catering, perhaps also dinner

•          Translation facilities Eng/Fr.

•          Workshop documentation (presentations)

•          Intervention report for RVO

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