General GCCI Trade and Matchmaking mission to the Netherlands | | Rijksdienst

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General GCCI Trade and Matchmaking mission to the Netherlands

Project purpose


The trade mission aims at exposing small and medium scale companies in Ghana to the Dutch market, to explore the possibility of partnerships, investments, export markets as well as learn about new skills and technologies to grow their businesses. The Dutch companies they meet will also benefit by gaining knowledge about a foreign market and the opportunities it presents to their businesses.


These objective’s tie in with the MASP of the Netherlands Embassy in Ghana, since it highlights their intention to move from aid to trade by 2017. Hence all trade promotion actives are considered high priority for the Embassy. This trade mission would aptly define the slogan of their MASP which is ‘Ghana, Netherlands, Growing Together’.

Project results

  • Successful mission for both Ghanaian and Dutch participants
  • Opening trade doors and breaching barriers
  • Sensitize Ghanaian companies to facilities such as PUM and DGGF which can assist their growth
  • Revealing business/trade opportunities in Ghana, the sub region and the Netherlands and having a better insight of both markets and business practises
  • Strengthen already existing business relationships
  • Create new business relationships and partnerships
  • Create awareness of lucrative sectors in Ghana
  • Knowledge exchange fostering increase in productivity and growth
  • Better mutual insight into Ghanaian and the Netherlands business environment.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


€ 74.577

Project status

Project activities
Matchmaking mission


The Matchmaking mission will be open for Ghanaian companies who are members of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the agro food processing, inputs and equipment, construction and Textiles.

The participants in the mission are expected to pay for their own air ticket to and from the Netherlands, except for 2(two) officials from the Chamber of Commerce.


  • The matchmaking mission is planned to take place 8-13 February, 2015
  • Not more than 25 individuals are expected to participate in this mission.
  • Accommodation in the Netherlands ( to be paid from the PSD Apps budget)
  • Ground Transportation ( to be paid from the PSD Apps budget)
  • Venue and program organisation cost ( to be paid from the PSD Apps budget)
  • The mission has been announced to it members by 31st July, 2014.
  • Intake forms designed by the Embassy will be distributed to the interested companies.
  • After its execution, the forms and participants will be assessed by the embassy and final list of participants forwarded to RVO.

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